Rezension: „Camino island“ von John Grisham

34121119.jpg Titel: Camino Island
Autor: John Grisham
Verlag: Doubleday
Übersetzung: Das Original (Heyne Verlag)

 „A gang of thieves stage a daring heist from a secure vault deep below Princeton University’s Firestone Library. Their loot is priceless, but Princeton has insured it for twenty-five million dollars.
Bruce Cable owns a popular bookstore in the sleepy resort town of Santa Rosa on Camino Island in Florida. He makes his real money, though, as a prominent dealer in rare books. Very few people know that he occasionally dabbles in the black market of stolen books and manuscripts.
Mercer Mann is a young novelist with a severe case of writer’s block who has recently been laid off from her teaching position. She is approached by an elegant, mysterious woman working for an even more mysterious company. A generous offer of money convinces Mercer to go undercover and infiltrate Bruce Cable’s circle of literary friends, ideally getting close enough to him to learn his secrets.
But eventually Mercer learns far too much, and there’s trouble in paradise as only John Grisham can deliver it.

Ich weiß nicht wirklich, was ich zu diesem Buch groß schreiben soll, außer „Was bitte war das denn?“

Es begann wie ein Thriller mit einer guten und spannenden Idee.
Im Mittelteil gab es dann lediglich feiernde und Alkohol trinkende Autorinnen und Autoren und gegen Ende eine unglaublich kitschige Bettgeschichte.

Vermutlich soll der Roman ein wenig an Fitzgerald und „The Great Gatsby“ erinnern, anders kann ich mir diesen furchtbaren Plot nicht erklären.

Muss man nicht lesen.

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